What time is it?-This presentation includes vocabulary, rules and practice for telling time in French. Quelle heure est-il?

What time is it?-This presentation includes vocabulary, rules and practice for telling time in French. Quelle heure est-il?
With my students, we just finished a small project called Cartes postales de vacances or vacation postcards with different stories. ( sea, London, Paris, Japan, mountain, countryside). Writing the postcards, student answered following questions: 1. Où es-tu tes en vacances?…
Zodiac signs – Quel est votre signe du zodiac? ou What is your zodiac sign and what are the characteristics associated with each of the signs? Revision of masculine and feminine adjective agreement in French. Signes du zodiaque
Learning to count Help your students to learn numbers in French (10-70) using this fun, practical activity.
Revise colors, numbers and days and learn some words of Easter vocabulary by using this interactive poster. (Pâques en France)
Rébus: les vêtements or Rebus: Clothing. Find out the hidden words in these rebuses. It is about two clothing words that are connected by and.